Venue: Sandy Historical Research Group Autumn Exhibition at Sandy Town Council Chamber
Time: Saturday 19 October 10.00 am-2.00 pm
Cost: members free, non-members £2.00
Come along and enjoy our Memories of Old Sandy together with the Town Council's own Roman Sandy exhibition. Refreshments will be available and there will be a raffle. Please bring along any of your own old photographs and memorabilia of Sandy, for us all to chat about. Back numbers of our SHRUB magazine, copies of our Pictorial Memories of Sandy booklets, and our Sandy Memories postcards, will all be on sale, together with Mike Luke’s fascinating Albion Archaeology Monograph on the Roman ‘Small Town” at Sandy. If you are not already an SHRG member, there will be an opportunity to join us, and then receive our twice yearly SHRUB magazine on Sandy’s history, with free entry to many of our events.
Looking further ahead, the final event in our 2024 programme is our AGM and "Do You Know Your Onions" Quiz Night on Tuesday 12 November at Beeston Methodist Church Hall in the Baulk, Beeston, with proceedings commencing at 7.30 pm. For further information on all these events, please contact Richard Barlow on 01767 226392.