Shefford and Sandy Hockey Club

Venue: Shefford and Sandy Hockey Club, Engayne Avenue SG19 1BL

Time: training takes place from September through to March

Tuesday Juniors 6.00 pm-7.20 pm, Adults 7.30 pm-9.00 pm

Games played on Saturdays, time and venue depend on fixture

Facebook: Shefford and Sandy Hockey Club

Website: Shefford and Sandy Hockey Club

The Shefford and Sandy Hockey Club is a mixed   hockey club for all: mini, juniors and adults. There are a variety of different formats to play whether its social hockey, mixed hockey, competitive league hockey, junior tournament and many more. They also offer holiday academy days for juniors.

In you are interested in finding out more about the club or would like to join please contact either through Facebook or the website.