Yoga with Charlotte Brawn

Venue: Victory Suite, The Roundabout Club, Bedford Road, Sandy SG19 1EL

Time: Wednesday 10.00 am-11.00 am, Wednesday 7.30 pm-8.30 pm, Thursday 10.00 am-10.55 am

Cost: Block booking £30.20 for 4 weeks, premium single class £10.99

Venue: Sandy Scout Hut, Sunderland Road, Sandy SG19 1QY

Time: Monday 10.30 am-11.30 am

Cost: Block booking £30.20 for 4 weeks, premium single class £10.99

Charlotte’s Yoga sessions combine an array of stretch, strength and relaxation postures and flows, top and tailed with the practice of awareness and meditation.

Email: Charlotte Brawn Fitness

Website: Charlotte Brawn Fitness